Manual De Direito Internacional Publico Hildebrando Accioly Download 3,5/5 6144 reviews

Author by: Anthea Roberts Language: en Publisher by: Oxford University Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 92 Total Download: 411 File. Rsa token generator.

Tratado de Direito Internacional Publico. By Hildebrando Accioly Review by: C. Fenwick The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 4 (Oct., 1956), pp. 973-974 Published by: American Society of International Law Stable URL:.

Accessed: 02:13 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact American Society of International Law is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Journal of International Law. This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Dec 2014 02:13:36 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1956] BOOK REVIEWS AND NOTES 973 contributes interesting information on Swiss practice with reference to recognition of new states and new governments in 'Die Volkerrechtliche Anerkennung nach Schweizerischer Staatenpraxis.' Niederer dis- cusses confiscation in relation to certain provisions of Swiss law in 'Einige Grenzfragen des Ordre Public in Fillen Entschddigungsloser Konfiska- tion.'

In 'Les Causes de Rappel des Agents Diplomatiques,' Dr. Georges Perrenoud attempts a classification of reasons given for the recall of diplomatic agents. Pierre Freymond, writing on 'Les 'D6cisions' de l/O.E.C.E.,' discusses the relation of 'decisions' taken by the Organiza- tion for European Economic Cooperation to 'treaties,' since they often have similar legal consequences. In 'Conoscenza e interpretazione del diritto straniero,' Dr. Gerardo Broggini makes a brief comparative study of Italian, German, Austrian, French, Swiss, English and United States legal practice with reference to proof and interpretation of foreign law.

Manual De Direito Internacional Publico Hildebrando Accioly DownloadManual De Direito Internacional Publico Hildebrando Accioly Download

The second half of the volume contains a section, sometimes in French, sometimes in German, by Professor Paul Guggenheim on recent develop- ments in public international law. Topics treated include a discussion of Swiss neutrality in relation to the establishment in Geneva of a European organization for nuclear research.

There follows a section which lists, with citations, international agreements entered into by Switzerland in 1952 and 1953. In addition to book reviews, there are two fifty-page sections (mostly in German) containing the texts or digests of Swiss judicial decisions on public and private international law. More restrained in size and scope than the Annuaire Frangais de Droit International or the British Year Book of International Law, the Annuaire Suisse de Droit International is, like them, characterized by the highest standards of legal scholarship and is a valuable and useful annual.

Inter- national lawyers in countries not supporting reviews or journals on inter- national law might well emulate the Swiss example by publishing a modest annual volume on international law and national practice relative thereto. BRIGGS Tratado de Direito Internacional Publico. By Hildebrando Ac- cioly. (2nd ed.) Rio de Janeiro: 1956. This is the first volume of a second edition of the Treatise on Interna- tional Law by the distinguished Brazilian jurist, first published in Portu- guese in 1933, then in French in 1940, and then in Spanish in 1945. In some degree the successive versions of the original Portuguese might be described as new editions, for the author took advantage of the transla- tions to bring the earlier treatise up to date. But in the present 'second edition' he departs substantially from the first edition, altering the classi- fication of the material and presenting a new and more constructive ap- proach to the subject.

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